contact us
If you would like to contact us about:
typos on our website,
missing information from our website,
additional information that you would like to contribute to our website,
suggestions for our website,
comments/complaints/compliments on our website,
questions about our website or about certain Twilight information ,
contributing your fanfiction to our website (see rules and regulations on
fanfiction page),
podcast/discussion topics,
Twilight-related news,
or for any other reason, please e-mail us at
and we will reply to every single one of your e-mails as soon as we can. Thank
**Side Note: We will not, under any circumstances, reveal your e-mail
address to anyone
other than ourselves.
--Meagan and Jenah from the Twilight Saga for the Slightly Obsessed...
E-mail Policy:
The Twilight Saga for the Slightly Obsessed... has all rights to post/share ANY
e-mails sent to us through the website with anyone we please. In other words, we
do not need your permission to show an e-mail sent by you, addressed to us, with
anyone. However, we will not share your personal information (e-mail address)
with others. **Side Note: If we do choose to post/share an e-mail, this would be
in an extreme case where you would be considered a nuisance to us...or we just
really like your e-mail!