rules and regulations



Fanfiction Ownership and Rights:
The Twilight Saga for the Slightly Obsessed... obtains all rights to post, edit and revise fanfiction intentionally sent to us for the Fanfiction page of our website. All rights of ownership to the fanfiction belong to the author. The author will be recognized on the website. The Twilight Saga for the Slightly Obsessed.. will not claim ownership over your fanfiction. All characters, settings and general events/back-story are property of Stephenie Meyer. Only characters, settings and events/back-story that are distinctly created by the author are property of the author and the property of these elements will be recognized. All fanfiction on the website is created to credit, appreciate and obsess over the works of Stephenie Meyer.        When sending your piece of fanfiction to The Twilight Saga for the Slightly Obsessed... please do as follows:
1. Write the fanfiction. 
2. Edit the fanfiction to avoid grammatical errors resulting in posting delays.
3. Send the fanfiction in an attachment to with the title, if needed, chapter titles, and your desired author name (This could be your first name, or a pen name that you have chosen.) **Side Note: If an author name is already taken on the website and you choose the same name, we will ask you to choose a different one. Also, please refrain from using obscene language (curse words) in your name, as it will not be used. If intense cursing is evident in your fanfiction, or if it is considered inappropriate to our liking, we have all rights to edit/remove these parts.